Well, the folks were up at silly o'clock this morning - not to probe and rattle their presents but to check out the damage to their cars. Despite parking on a private gated drive, you can still wake up to a ding in your rear-end and a letter of apology pinned to your front door. What is the world coming to?

After the cursing and moaning, however, they remembered that today was the day of goodwill to all men and so we had a little sit down and a glass of some fizzy juice.
Soon the world was alright again and we settled down to some Christmas fun and frolics. This included the unwrapping of some top-drawer presents and the slow cooking of a giant rib of beef. If only I was on solids, mmmmmm.
By mid-afternoon I'd developed a certain sympathy for my friend Billy, however. As you can see from the picture below, it seems that it's tradition to dress small boys in red polyester regalia at this time of year. I can only be thankful that GG and Gramps only had a hat, and that I was spared the full ensemble.

The other thing to note from this picture is that my hands truly are gargantuan (look at GG's right shoulder).
By evening I'd also had my first taste of a computer game. When Daddy was a young lad he got to play Pong, which sounds appropriately pre-pubescent. My first taste of computer games, however, was whistling down a
ski jump
and leaping 114 metres. My cheeks were virtually (ahem) chapped by the time I'd ski-ploughed to a halt. And as a result I now really need a Wii (yes, it was THAT exciting).
Roll on next Christmas (yes, Grandpa, that's a hint!)