As previously documented, M&D seem keen that I develop a healthy interest in things other than the bottle and bed. It's all getting a little tiresome; I feel like one of those poor kids in a 'pushy parents documentary'. But today it all rather backfired and I hope it has put an end to their nonsense.
The weekend arrived (as it does on a Saturday) and as the sun was shining we decided to catch the train into London for a walk along the South Bank to soak up the sights, the culture and the general atmos. We saw some older boys doing parkour, which was cool but re-affirmed my fears about knee damage. Daddy wheeled me round some galleries to look at pictures and we even strolled round an old power station (another gallery, apparently, but all we saw was a slope, a queue for the lift and a lot of posh children with funny names).
Before long it was lunch time so we popped into a nice little place called
Leon. It's basically fast food like McDonalds, but with old wooden furniture and nice food instead of plastic seats and plastic food. I had fun there. It was full of people reading books and wearing silly glasses, all acting very 'arty'. But I just liked hanging out and eating my bread stick and humous.

Halfway through my lunchtime treats I also realised that M&D have helped me discover a genuine interest. Our serendipitous refreshment break made me realise that I share the one hobby (the only one) they have too: I like hanging out eating and drinking in nice places. In trying to get me all excited about culture and bone-breaking adrenalin sports, they've inadvertently gotten me into fine dining and pubs. We're all cut from the same cloth, afterall.
It was clearly a moment of truth for M&D too. On the way home we stopped off at Kingston and nipped into Hahahahaha's for another quick bite to eat and a bottle of milk.