Thursday 18 March 2010

This Week, AMK Recommends...

It's said that Mozart began to compose at the age of five. Lauded for his technical precision and depth of passion, he performed in front of royalty at just 17 and went on to redefine Opera with his blend of neo-baroque classical rock. Precocious little toad.

Well old Wolfgang's got nowt on me. You see, while the old maestro had his dad teaching him how to tinkle the old clavier, I've got Monkey Music to show me how to bash seven shades of sugar out of a plastic tambourine. Mummy takes me to The Landmark Arts Centre every Wednesday afternoon to learn about music.

We sit in a big circle and a lady sings us songs. She's a nice lady, with hair like a big bush. At the start of each new tune she gives us a different instrument to rattle, bash or tap.

A lot of my new friends at Monkey Music need help from their mummy to make a din, but I'm surprisingly adept; a natural. Whatever instrument we're given, I can make a big noise with it: I care little for rhythm and tend to focus on volume.

Mummy has spotted my promise and has bought me my very own music set, which I'm allowed to use at Nanna & Grandad's or whenever Daddy's looking after me. I've decided to follow Mozart by bucking the current trends and carving out my own style. But that's where the similarity ends. In many ways I'm a little more like another musical maestro: a muppet called Animal.

So this week I recommend Monkey Music. Raaaargh!


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