Despite the arctic conditions here in old Blighty, millions of folk have traipsed off to the Alps in order to hurl themselves down snow-laden slopes. GG and Grandpa are now off on their grand ski tour and Auntie Danny is hurling herself down the slopes with her chums too.

Here's a picture of Grandpa trying to get back down to the village bar in time for happy hour. And down below you'll see GG in mid-flight: all that practice on the Wii paying dividends! Eddie the Eagle has nothing on my GG.

While I'm still struggling to find my own feet on terra firmer, I think I'll give this skiing malarky a wide berth. But when I'm older I'd like to give it a bash, although I can't ever see Daddy being brave enough.
Perhaps I'll go with my chums, but until then the Wii will have to do.
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