It's good to get away but there's nothing like coming home.
After the great escape I was exhausted and so was Mummy. We hunkered down in the hospital for the night and tried to eat as much as we could to regain some strength. I think I slept and ate better than she did.

The chap who helped me escape from the outside ("Daddy") disappeared for the night. He seemed keen to wet my head, whatever that means, but Mummy kept him chatting too long and he missed last orders.
Still, he came back this morning and kept us company all day. There wasn't a great deal to do (I guess we're still lying low) so I got some more shut eye and ate a little from the bags of juice Mummy hangs round her neck. I'm not sure I still weigh 8lb 1oz - my waistband feels baggy.

But by 4pm, after a quick dash to see a nice lady doctor who put her finger in my mouth (the minx) and listened to my racing heart to make sure it was drumming to a good beat, we finally made a dash for home.
And now hear we are: home sweet home. It's nice. I have an elephant rug.
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