My second ever Saturday today. The trip to the hospital took a little longer than usual because of all the people driving to the shops in Kingston. I got weighed (packing on the ounces now, nearly back up to my birth weight) and had a cotton bud stabbed into my bad eye, so a mixed result really. I have to go to the doctors next to get some eye drops and Mummy needs to buy me some stronger medicine to make me do bigger burps.
For being a good boy though, M&D walked me into Teddington to the book shop. After checking out the best sellers, I decided to go for a book on agriculture. It has 3 pages: one with a cow, one with a sheep and I haven't got as far as the third page yet but I'm guessing it'll be a pig or a chicken.

Topping the hard back fiction list is "Saphire" by Katie Price, aka Jordan. Daddy seems surprised she can write an entire book as a) it's doubtful she has the attention span to spell out her own name; and b) it's a miracle she can reach the keyboard (whatever that's supposed to mean). In the non-fiction chart
Michael Jackson - Legend, Hero, Icon
is out-selling everything else; just like in the album chart right now, MJ (RIP) is No.1

In the evening I watched the first game of the season: West Brom vs. Newcastle (Premiership starts next week). The result, much like the game, was hard to get excited about: one all. Still, Auntie Natalie popped round to liven things up. She bought me my first pair of jeans. They have turn-ups so I'm guessing she thinks I might turn out 'artistic'.
Then Uncle Neil came to visit, and he bought me presents too! I got a bib, an elephant and some dungarees.
Life is all rather hectic. So it's good to just have a little lie down sometimes (you'll need to turn the volume up on this one).
PS. It was a pig. Ha, didn't see that one coming!