Saturday 15 August 2009

Two's Company, but Three's Pretty Cool Too

Any partnership will take time to develop and mature before it becomes something great. Sometimes despite remarkable odds (Adebayor and Bellamy) or because of them (Bonnie and Clyde), beautiful things happen.

For Mummy and me, this week has been the opportunity for our little team to form, norm and storm. I've pushed her, but she hasn't buckled and we are now as one, yin and yang.

But not wanting to push our luck, today we went on a trip (my longest yet) with Daddy to see Nanna & Grandad, Auntie Stephanie and Phil in Southampton.

Nanna & Grandad were both on fine form. Nanna bought me a flashing toothbrush, which will be fun as soon as I have some to scrub! I like Nanna's cuddles. I'm looking foward to my first visit to see them in Cardiff - it'll be my first trip abroad and Grandad says he'll take me fishing!

Auntie Stephanie and Big Phil layed on a splendid lunch. I opted for my usual so didn't sample the various dishes on offer, but everyone seemed content after the meal. Grandad fell asleep, which is the highest accolade to which any chef can aspire.

After lunch I enjoyed relaxing on Auntie Stephanie's knee (it must be an advanced technique she learned at university). Uncle Mike dropped in later on; he's a big northern bear of a man yet manages to maintain a very neatly trimmed goatie beard. It was a shame not to meet Faye, Megan and George but I'm sure it won't be long before I do. They have two rabbits, four chickens and one cock. Or should that be un coque, Uncle Mike??


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