So far I've been the centre of attention every day and wherever I've been. Today two ladies in Sainsbury's nearly fought eachother to be the first to coo over me and pinch my cheek. A lunatic stared at me in the park. And I stole the show at Richmond Registry Office.

Richmond is a nice place. After signing up to UK Plc, we wondered down to the Green for lunch. It was the first time I'd dined 'al fresco'; it's nice that my usual was still on the menu. There were lots of other mummies pushing little people in buggies, but none were as yummy as my mummy and my wheels were by far the coolest.
This afternoon we tried to walk into Kingston but the rain thrashed down. Thankfully Daddy realised that he'd put my buggy's hood on upside down before we got caught in the storm. We changed our plans and drove to Sainsbury's instead; I slept until M&D got to the check-out then had a little cry.
I like getting out and about. Daddy goes back to work soon but I think me and Mummy are going to have a fab time.
PS. My middle name is now officially Montgomery. Not Montgomerie.
That's good. Montgomery is smiley :-) but Montgomerie is grumpy :-(